Lee Bains (Don Giovani Records)
Lee Bains is a Rolling Stone-acclaimed songwriter and New Yorker-published poet whose work is steeped in the American South. Born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, and living in Atlanta for over a decade, Bains’s songs are hopeful, but far from naive.
On 2022’s Old-Time Folks (Don Giovanni), his fourth album with The Glory Fires, he delivers songs that mix sounds of the South — rock and roll, gospel, punk, soul, country, hip-hop — to deliver stories of resistance and love.
Challenging revisionist histories that would prefer to forget the worst parts of our collective past as much as the present neoliberal logic that reduces people to numbers, they celebrate the messiness of humanity and the power of solidarity and love.
Adam Gaffney (STL)
Tony M Hall (STL)
730pm – doors
8pm – show
$12 adv / $15 dos
All Ages
Adv tix –